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Cosplaying has become one of the main attractions for DreamHack Bucharest, where passionate cosplayers take the stage to showcase their work and love for this cultural phenomenon and the characters they bring to life.

For the second year in a row,  was crowned the best cosplayer at DreamHack Bucharest, thanks to an impressive costume inspired by the League of Legends champion Vi. Moreover, Livia will go on to represent Romania in the international cosplay contest at the Japan Expo 2014 in Paris, France.

Livia "Shinju" Viziteu Livia "Shinju" Viziteu Livia "Shinju" Viziteu

Just like before, cosplayers will have free entry to DreamHack Masters Bucharest 2014, provided they have an appropriate costume (no, having a Teemo Hat does not mean you’re a cosplayer).

Also, participation in the contest is not mandatory. So feel free to cosplay during the event without competing against anyone, you don’t feel like it.

More information about the cosplay contest at DreamHack Bucharest Masters 2014 and the registrations will be revealed soon.